
My First FinCon Experience : Thoughts and Emotions, So Many Emotions!

A little less than a year ago, I did a crazy thing. I bought a ticket to go to FinCon19 without any idea if I could or would attend. You see, I had just recently started interacting with the personal finance community on twitter and FinCon18 was going down and seemed amazing. I watched on… Continue reading My First FinCon Experience : Thoughts and Emotions, So Many Emotions!


Hit the gym regularly with a smoother morning routine with the preschoolers

While I’m working on simplifying our family’s life to make room for the things we value most, one thing that has been difficult for me is to be consistent with my gym routine. Reading Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear last month has… Continue reading Hit the gym regularly with a smoother morning routine with the preschoolers