
2017 Spending & Investments Review and ModestMillionnaires is One Year Old!

Despite the lack of new posts since last Fall, we want to reassure you that the Modest Millionaires family is still on the road to reach their financial independence and that we have not abandoned the idea of maintaining this blog to document this journey. Now that the (very busy) 2017 year is a thing of… Continue reading 2017 Spending & Investments Review and ModestMillionnaires is One Year Old!


Why we Paid off our Mortgage Quickly

A recurring debate in the personal finance world is the choice between paying off a mortgage vs investing in the market. The Modests Millionaires are of the point of view that, statistically speaking, investing in the market is financially more beneficial in the long run. However many psychological benefits of paying off your mortgage quickly convinced… Continue reading Why we Paid off our Mortgage Quickly