Hi! My name is Mel, and I’m the blogger and creator of Modest Millionaires. I’m from the province of Quebec, and my blog is available both in French and English.

I’ve always been naturally drawn to finances. In fact, when choosing my college major I was debating between studying international development or business. Those two worlds collided thanks to an amazing program at HEC in Montreal where I would complete ⅓ of my business courses in French, another third in English and the rest in Spanish while spending a semester abroad.
This led me into my career as a Senior Business Analyst for the Federal government in roles around the radio and telecom industry – interacting with smaller and bigger players like Bell, Telus, Rogers & Videotron
Meanwhile I used what I learned in my studies and career, such as how companies or organizations meet their mission in a profitable or sustainable way, and applied this to my own family’s finances. Crafting a 10 year plan to reach financial independence and adjusting that plan as my family added 2 little munchkins in our lives.
Over the last 5 years I started coaching individuals to get unstuck and take control of their finances. I fell in love with guiding others to their financial independence.
This, combined with our progress towards our financial independence number, led me to eventually make the decision to take a one year sabbatical from my career as a public servant to focus on my financial coaching business on a part-time basis while spending more time with my family.
I’m testing out a Coast FI lifestyle and am excited to share more about my experience here with you!
Psst, if you’re interested to be the first to find out more about my upcoming projects and my coaching in general, make sure you are subscribed to my newsletter!
Salut Mod millionnaires ,
Je suis un collègue blogueur qui écrit également sur l’investissement et les finances personnelles. Je viens de trouver votre blog et je l’apprécie beaucoup. On peut voir que vous y avez travaillé très fort.
J’aimerais ajouter votre blog à ma page ressources et si vous voulez faire de même sur le vôtre ce serait apprécié!
Je vous souhaite le succès et au plaisir de lire vos prochains articles!😉
PS: comment vous y êtes-vous pris pour créer votre blog en multi langues?
The Rich Dog
Salut The Rich Dog :)!
Merci beaucoup et super pour votre blog, j’irai le découvrir dès que j’ai un petit moment et je l’ajouterai ensuite à ma page ressources. Au plaisir de découvrir votre blog!
Brièvement pour le multi langues, j’écris mes articles en français et en anglais, puis nous avons installé certains plugins ainsi qu’effectué un peu de programmation web pour s’assurer que le design fonctionne bien dans les deux langues.
J’utilise polylang mais j’ai des problèmes avec en ce moment.. Est ce que c’est le même pour vous aussi? Est ce bien compliqué cette programmation?