How often have you felt truly supported when it comes to your finances?
Most of our conversations around money tend to be somewhat uncomfortable by the simple taboo nature of the subject. Unfortunately, this often results in wanting to avoid this topic in our everyday conversations. As such, you’ve likely had very few in depth conversations about how you can financially support the life you want.
When you choose to work with me through my longer term coaching program, something amazing happens.
You suddenly have someone in your corner who is rooting for you. Conversations around money become more comfortable through this judgement free and simple process. This unique support begins to fast-track your progress in ways you’ve never experienced before in this area of your life.
For once you feel deeply supported around something that has so much impact on living the life you truly want!
Get the full support to align your finances with the life you want!
Sometimes a clear plan just isn’t enough.
Perhaps you’ve spent lots of time learning about what to do to get your finances in order to make progress on your big goals. However, something comes up and you find yourself falling back on autopilot.
Or maybe you have made significant progress but now you’re feeling stuck when trying to identify the next steps that are right for your new financial circumstances. Maybe the unique situation of your family makes it difficult to pin-point your next move and focus.
There is no need to stay in this place of limbo.
Let’s keep moving forward with the right steps for the uniqueness of your circumstances, family and goals.
Mel is a financial coach. She is an expert in helping individuals, couples and families pay off debt, create budgets, and design their own financial independence roadmaps.
Over the last decade, her own family progressed from a negative net worth to achieve over 80% of their target financial independence number. Mel considers that she has already built her ideal life, working only 20 hours per week on her passion business and less in the summer, allowing her plenty of space to balance out the things that matter most to her.
In her financial coaching, she utilizes the skills and knowledge from her trilingual Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and career as a Senior Business Analyst in the Canadian Federal Government. She has a compassionate and positive approach to finances to facilitate optimal learning and sustainable progress.
Schedule your FREE 30-min intro call with Mel to see if financial coaching is the right fit for you: